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The European Commission and its Directorate for Equality and non-Discrimination are organising an event to celebrate the adoption on 7 May 2024 of the two Directives strengthening the independence, resources and powers of Equality Bodies. The event will bring together a hundred stakeholders to actively discuss the implementation of the new EU standards. In particular, participants will exchange good practices ahead of the transposition of the Directives and the design of indicators on the functioning of equality bodies.

This 2-day event is participatory and discussions will be held in English. You can consult the Agenda here.

Who will participate?

Appointed representatives from EU Member States and from national Equality bodies, EU level Non-Governmental Organisations, the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet) as well as representatives from the EU institutions.

Date and venue

The event will take place at Brussels on 6-7 June 2024 at the Hilton Brussels Grand-Place hotel (Carrefour de l’Europe 3, 1000 Brussels). Work will start at 9:00 a.m. on 6 June and end at around 15:00 p.m. on 7 June. A celebration cocktail and walking dinner will be served on 6 June.

Please register before 27 May 2024

June is a very busy period in Brussels. Please register as soon as possible:



For any practical question, please write to

For any question about the Directives and the upcoming work, please write to


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